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Essential Leadership Skills for the Contact Centre Team Leader

Course Overview


Day 1 – Leading Yourself part 1: Self-awareness and you as a leader

Day 2 – Leading Yourself part 2: Self-awareness and you as a leader

Day 3 – Leading Individuals part 1:  Motivate, develop and unlock potential

Day 4 – Leading Individuals part 2:  Motivate, develop and unlock potential

Day 5 – Leading the Team: Create a cohesive and engaged, high performing team & Accreditation and Certification


Throughout this course you will discover the 'must have' skills and techniques that will ensure you succeed in your leadership role, including necessary skills such as Time Management, Coaching and Goal Setting. The course will introduce you to proven models that help to guide you in your day to day tasks and activities and will provide guidance for you in this 5 day intensive course that will help you to succeed within a demanding leadership role.


You will learn the theory which will be followed by practical application and you will be encouraged to step outside of your comfort zone but in a safe and supportive environment. Everyone is in the same boat and the greater your participation, the more you will take away from the course.


On completion of the course to the required standard you will receive a certificate and once the course is over we will continue to support you in any way that we can and encourage you to stay in touch and make use of your new and evolving network.


Who is this course suitable for?


  • Aspiring Team Leaders

  • New to role Team Leaders

  • Team Leaders in an existing role wanting to refresh or enhance their knowledge and skills

  • Team Leaders looking for Continuing Professional Development

  • Anyone looking to obtain Team Leader Certification


What will you cover on the 5 day course?


  • ​Management and leadership

  • Where are you now?

  • Your core values

  • Your leadership style

  • Raising your profile

  • Leading from the front

  • Networking

  • Time management

  • Your brand

  • Feedback

  • Setting you up for success

  • Psychology - The silver bullet

  • Goal setting

  • Learning styles that matter

  • Coaching

  • Who is your team?

  • Team building


Course Aims


  • To provide delegates with the key essential tools to succeed in a leadership role.​

  • The training includes theory and practical application and encourages delegates to fully participate in a safe and supportive environment.​

  • Delegates will realistically reflect on where they are now as leaders and set their own goals of where they want to be and how they would like to be regarded within their organisation and beyond.


Course Objectives


By the end of the course you will have:


  • been introduced to a variety of models, skills & techniques that will help you become an effecive leader

  • practised some of these skills and techniques in a supportive environment

  • completed your own synopsis of each of the topics covered throughout the course in your own words as a reference to take away with you

  • completed a multiple choice assessment achieving a minimum score of 80%

  • defined five objectives that you will work to achieve after completion of the course (four work related and one non-work related)

  • be awarded teamleadertraining, Team Leader Certification


Benefits for the learner


  • identify where you are as a leader today and where you want to be in the future

  • raise awareness of your strengths and development areas

  • acquire relevant knowledge and have the tools to develop your leadership skills in order to succeed

  • create your professional profile and know your own leadership brand

  • use your time more effectively

  • reduce your own stress levels in the workplace

  • increase your confidence and self-belief

  • receive team leader certification


Benefits for the team


  • become and remain cohesive

  • have confidence in their leader

  • feel listened to,  supported and valued

  • know they have opportunities to progress

  • experience better morale

  • be more productive

  • resolve conflicts more easily

  • work more effectively as a group

  • be pulling together in the same direction


Benefits for the organisation


  • have effective leaders who will lead their teams in the right way, resulting in improved performance

  • have leaders demonstrating role model skills and behaviours on a daily basis for others to emulate

  • improve team morale leading to reduced attrition and reduced absenteeism

  • be on the road to a culture of development and high performance

  • reduce costs as people work more efficiently and staff morale and attendance improves

  • improve at a faster rate through appropriate challenges in a supportive environment

  • be a high performing organisation both in terms of productivity and employee well-being

  • attract a higher calibre of leaders in the future


The Accreditation


The accreditation consists of some evening work to demonstrate your understanding of each of the topics covered, a multiple choice assessment where you are required to achieve 80%+ correct answers from 40 questions, and a minimum of 4 detailed objectives that you can use to further embed your knowledge and skills back in the workplace and 1 personal objective as well.

On completion of each element to the required standard, you will be awarded your Certificate showing your attendance and achievement in successfully passing the Team Leader course.


Evening work


You must demonstrate your knowledge of each topic from the day’s training by writing, in your own words, a synopsis of each topic in your learning logs that you can take away with you.

You will also be asked to complete a small amount of work in preparation for the following days’ sessions.

Evening work should take  no longer than 1 – 2 hours each evening.






(c) 2016 GPT Training Ltd.  GPT Training Ltd. is registered in England and Wales with Company Number 10154715.

The registered office is Unit 17 Lancaster House, Whitworth Street, Manchester, Greater Manchester, M1 6LQ, United Kingdom.

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